Wow! What an age we live in. I remember when I first started my course at Prahran TAFE the most technological thing we had to learn was the typewriter! Hasn't the world changed in the last 20 + years?
I remember going to Frankston Libray with my mother before I went to school, at the time the library was virtually divided down the centre one side was for the adults and the other side was for the children. If I had chosen my books before my mother came to me I had to just wait. It was just not done to go into the "adult" side. The other thing was the library had books...full stop. Naturally they used a card system too. Now you walk into a library adult and children's collections can be mingled, there are computers, talking books, CD Roms, videos, DVDs all these were not heard of not so many years ago. Libraries progress and staff have to too. It is that simple.
After progressing through 15 of the 23 things in Web 2.0 I have learnt so much and have to wonder what will happen in the future. Of course there will be changes in libraries but there will also be constants. Can you imagine snuggling up in bed with your PC? Nothing like a book to escape with. However the thirst for immediate knowledge is gaining momentum. People have mastered the art of Internet and realise that knowledge is only a "click" away, although some of that instant knowledge can be a little dubious. Due to the Internet people expect instant answers and therefore don't want a book the size of "War and Peace" to read through to find the snippet of detail that they are after. We in the library service must try to keep up with the advances in technology and be prepared to use what is available. If we as information deliverers aren't delivering it means we are failing ourselves and our customers / clients.
I think the biggest thing I have learnt doing this Web 2.0 course so far is just have a go. What is the worst that can happen? The more we learn and can see uses for the better people we become, both personally and professionally! Lets learn and pass on knowledge, it is a natural evolution.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
#14 Technorati
Technorati Profile
I have just "claimed" my blog. I think that means if people do a search on the technorati site and happen to use a search term that I have used as a tag they may be lead to my blog. That reads like a bunch of gobbledygook doesn't it?
I am enjoying this "blogging" however does anyone read it???? The delicious site, the one with the full stops in strange places, was a bit of fun. It is interesting to see how many people use the same sites that you do. I really love, it is a great alternative to buying the magazines! I was actually lucky enough on the site to win a competition. I won a snazzy food processor just by answering a question. So now you can say you know someone who has won an Internet competition.
My Sewing
Well I had a bit of a run on today and actually did some of the quilt, I have intentions of getting to it again tomorrow so wish me luck!
As you see on my delicious posting I have mentioned EQ5. This is a software package allowing you to design quilts. I have been wanting to buy it for a while and have finally got it. (There is now EQ6) I have been playing around a bit with the software it, it has so many features that I have only experimented with a couple. I have ben designing a border for a mini round robin that I am in. The program allows you to colour in the pieces of a patchwork block and if you enter the size you want it will tell you exactly how much fabric is needed. I am having problems with the printing out stage, it seems to want me to print the entire quilt when all I want is the border. It is probably just a matter of re reading the instructions.
So what is a round robin you ask?
A round robin quilt for those who may not have heard of them is a quilt that is made by a group of quilters, a variation of doing friendship blocks. To start, everyone makes a block for the center. There can be all kinds of rules for size, color , theme, etc. The blocks are passed to someone else in the group. They add the first border. Then the next quilter adds the second. And so on, the organisers of a round robin usually use a "recipe" ie first round must contain triangles, second must contain applique etc etc.
I have been in 2 round robins where the centre block has been around 12 inch square, the mini one I am in is 3 inch square so this adds a further challenge. It is a fun way to do something a bit different.
Photos added....2 completed round robins and the mini centre (the purplish one)
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
Number 12... Rollyo

I browsed this site and thought it was okay. I wasn't terribly excited and decided I really didn't need to sign up for it. Just another "gadget". Basically it lets you search sites you regularly visit from one spot. I use the "favorites" icon on my browser and think for my needs that is enough. The site by the way is
My sewing, well it is progressing slo.o.o.w.l.y. Isn't it amazing how you can always find something better to do when you really know you shouldn't. This weekend I have to make a start on sewing up some calico library bags. They are for children to decorate during in the July school holiday program. So once again the quilt, the dreaded quilt is going on the back burner. Any excuse will do!
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