Technorati Profile
I have just "claimed" my blog. I think that means if people do a search on the technorati site and happen to use a search term that I have used as a tag they may be lead to my blog. That reads like a bunch of gobbledygook doesn't it?
I am enjoying this "blogging" however does anyone read it???? The delicious site, the one with the full stops in strange places, was a bit of fun. It is interesting to see how many people use the same sites that you do. I really love, it is a great alternative to buying the magazines! I was actually lucky enough on the site to win a competition. I won a snazzy food processor just by answering a question. So now you can say you know someone who has won an Internet competition.
My Sewing
Well I had a bit of a run on today and actually did some of the quilt, I have intentions of getting to it again tomorrow so wish me luck!
As you see on my delicious posting I have mentioned EQ5. This is a software package allowing you to design quilts. I have been wanting to buy it for a while and have finally got it. (There is now EQ6) I have been playing around a bit with the software it, it has so many features that I have only experimented with a couple. I have ben designing a border for a mini round robin that I am in. The program allows you to colour in the pieces of a patchwork block and if you enter the size you want it will tell you exactly how much fabric is needed. I am having problems with the printing out stage, it seems to want me to print the entire quilt when all I want is the border. It is probably just a matter of re reading the instructions.
So what is a round robin you ask?
A round robin quilt for those who may not have heard of them is a quilt that is made by a group of quilters, a variation of doing friendship blocks. To start, everyone makes a block for the center. There can be all kinds of rules for size, color , theme, etc. The blocks are passed to someone else in the group. They add the first border. Then the next quilter adds the second. And so on, the organisers of a round robin usually use a "recipe" ie first round must contain triangles, second must contain applique etc etc.
I have been in 2 round robins where the centre block has been around 12 inch square, the mini one I am in is 3 inch square so this adds a further challenge. It is a fun way to do something a bit different.
Photos added....2 completed round robins and the mini centre (the purplish one)
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