Wednesday, July 25, 2007

#20 You Tube....

You tube seems to be in the news so often these days that it is almost a household name. One of my friends sons has uploaded various videos he has taken. I think it is a thing that the younger people do, that makes me sound old doesn't it? Some of the news items about it are negative but I think with proper care and when needed parental guidance You Tube can be a great tool and even give a person a sense of self achievement by seeing their videos on a public forum.
Anyway I have included a link to a particular video clip that was brought to my attention through a patchwork group I belong to. It is rather special, almost goose bump stuff. By the way it has nothing to do with patchwork........

There are other video clips of the same fellow on you tube I haven't actually looked at them, always thinking of download limit! But I believe they are equally as good.

Now it is off to my sewing machine!!!!! The relevance of the sea gulls ..none whatsoever!

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