Today I have been browsing through a web site called Flickr, this site is a photograph hosting site. It looks like it might be a very useful tool. The photographs can then be accessed by your family and friends. Of course in my opinion there is nothing like good old photo albums, but this could be the next best thing.
On a more quilty note, I am still working on the Double Wedding Ring Quilt, I guess I am about 1/4 of the way. However this weekend I will be making a patchwork bag. This bag I will send onto a person in my online pacthwork group as an Easter Swap, I will in return get one done by someone. It is called A secret sister swap because it is a secret! The group I belong to is an Australian-based, vibrant, easy-going group of quilters with members from all around the world. It is a really active group and we discuss everything from patchwork to warts, to goats and all else between.
18th March........
Well after some fiddling I have done it, I have registered with Flickr, and posted 5 quilty photos, the link is http://www.flickr.com/photos/booksareus/ have a look and let me know what you think.
Had a look at the photos, lovely especially like the medallion one,
Go Helen! Fantastic quilts. Love your blog too, it really tells me about you. Go girl. Scully
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