Saturday, July 14, 2007

Wiki's ...#16 #17

Haven't posted for a while. So thought I would have a look today at Wiki's. To me they seem like a bit of fun but not to be taken too seriously. How do you sort fact from fiction? I don't think you just enjoy them.
For fun check out the wiki here
and you can find out the number 1 song on the day you were born.

"The first ever wiki site was created for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995. That site now hosts tens of thousands of pages. "

Taken from ""

So I guess you are asking what is a wiki. It is a web site that people can add too, hence my feelings about fact and fiction. There are lots of wikis to explore just google wiki and you get 13,800,000 hits. When you have a spare moment or two check out a few they are a great time waster.

One of the exercises set down for #17 was to explore PBWiki , this is a wiki that is like a "wiki playground" in that you can input onto the wiki. This wiki is all about favorites, ie favorite blogs, books etc. I have added my blog into the list and see some familiar blogs there too. It is interesting to have a list of peoples favorites, maybe a little voyeristic? No simply, being a sticky beak!!

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